TSCM Risk Analysis and Assessment
Confidential information leakage - protection and prevention
Secured Area Services offer an invaluable Technical Surveillance Risk Assessment and Defence of a company, organisation or local government division. The risk assessment and analysis will be directed at the risk of loss of confidential data and information resulting from Corporate Espionage derived from the planting or use of covert transmitting or recording devices data collectors or video devices.
Our experienced technical security personnel will provide the equipment, systems and services to detect and defend against the threat of internal or external corporate espionage in a company or organisation.
The assessment will proceed to analyse the areas highlighted as a risk and provide a usable plan to minimise or remove those risks by physical prevention, technical prevention, and advanced TSCM solutions.

How Risk Assessment Works
A risk assessment specialist will arrange a visit and will carry out a 10 point in-depth assessment. We will be looking for what threats are potentially faced, where they may come from, and how to defend against them.
We will be looking at the potential to place a bug or listening device in the company or organisation. We will look at the "in and out of hours" access to departments including visitors, and based on the threat, the possibilities the access will provide for someone wishing to place a bug. We will evaluate this data to indicate how and where devices could be placed.
We will also be looking at existing background transmissions that could hide or mask a bug and make it more difficult to locate and many other important areas that need to be considered. We will advise on what facilities, methods or equipment can be installed or implemented to provide a secure and safe environment.
Areas to be considered
Based on the type of industry, ascertain the products that could be placed and the threat level that exists.
Look at access to the building and ways that a potential corporate espionage could take place.
Look at existing staff and what access people have to sensitive areas.
Look at and evaluate systems and procedures that could be used or taken advantage of in the placing of a device.
Take an in-depth look at background transmissions and electronic noise floor levels.
Evaluate computer hardware and telephone systems and potential to place bugging devices.
Evaluate each specific risk and propose counter surveillance protection equipment in sensitive areas.
Take readings of the sound transference ability of connecting walls in all sensitive areas.
Based on the design and construction of the building, evaluate how, where and what bugs could be fitted.
Evaluate phone communications of sensitive or senior personnel and identify security risks.
Evaluate threat to vehicles and to homes of sensitive or senior personnel.
Implementations of Proposals
A report of recommendations to provide a comprehensive counter surveillance initiative needs to be supported by a full and guaranteed implementation strategy. Secured Area Services and it's agents have extensive facilities and personnel to implement all possible counter surveillance requirements in order to fulfil the recommendations of the report and any possible additions requested by the client. We will discuss the content of the report with the client and agree the areas that the client wishes to proceed with. We will also assist with any administration requirements, and supply documentation for accreditation purposes. When required we will work closely with all affected departments including Personnel, IT, Technical, Management and Maintenance.
Solutions may include some of the following.
Access control, general security, Preventative transmitter masking, board meeting real-time environment scanners, administration changes, bug awareness advice and training, covert or overt security cameras, communication encryption, email encryption, secure phones, anti tracking hardware, counter surveillance TSCM sweeps, body worn covert detectors, white noise audio masking, window or glass wall protection, vehicle bug maskers, portable hand held counter surveillance scanners, or fixed and installed detectors.
The Need For a Confidential Protection Solution
It is understood that many companies or organisations will require a totally confidential survey and report. This can be organised by completing some or all of the work outside work hours such as evenings or weekends. (we have a 24/7 service) After the final report is then published, we will then discuss with the client on recommendations for confidential implementation and operation.
Contact Us:
Contact Information
London Office - Nationwide Service:
Secured Area Services
17 Cavendish Square
London W1G 0PH
Phone:020 7138 3021
Mon - Fri 9.00am - 6.00pm
Out of hours 24/7- Mobile 07500 3333 66
Email: info@sas-tscm.com