Emergency TSCM Sweep Response 24 Hour Service
Fast Attendance Sweeps - UK Wide - 24 Hour Service
Secured Area Services offer a special countermeasures sweep for emergency situations where a very fast response is required to carry out a counter surveillance sweep or to secure a sensitive area such as a board room or meeting room or entire office at short notice. This is not our standard counter surveillance TSCM service with a response of within 24 hours, the emergency service is priced differently and is given emergency priority with attendance between 2 and 8 hours. For our standard response service, please visit the TSCM counter surveillance page.

Fast Response Counter Surveillance Sweeps 24 Hours
A fast Response is provided 24 hours per day and 365 days a year. We will accept enquiries and urgent calls weekdays or weekends on 0207 138 3021.
We can accept calls to complete either full or partial counter surveillance sweeps or bug sweeps at commercial buildings or private dwellings. We can attend offices or other commercial sites, government buildings, legal centres or vehicle or yacht sweeps either during the working day or after work hours/ weekends.
When Secured Area Services receive a call for an emergency response call out, we will require information about the clients requirements and the emergency status including any timescale's we are required to meet.
Guaranteed Sweep Response
Secured Area Services will guarantee to arrive within the agreed time period for an Urgent Counter Surveillance sweep. If for any reason our attendance is delayed more than 60 min's after the agreed time, we will revert the cost to our standard service. This guarantee is provided on the basis that we are not delayed as a result of the clients decision or effect, and that full payment has been pre paid by bank transfer, or that payment will be available by prior agreement in the form of cleared funds upon arrival or a card payment upon arrival if the client is a company or organisation.
Same High Level of Service
Fast response does not mean poor quality or reduced effectiveness. All of our Technical Surveillance Counter Measures services are carried out to the same high level, and utilise the same equipment and the same experienced staff. The only difference is that we give priority to emergency requirements, and organise our services to ensure personnel are available to respond and arrive in time.
Contact Us:
Contact Information
London Office - Nationwide Service:
Secured Area Services
17 Cavendish Square
London W1G 0PH
Phone:020 7138 3021
Mon - Fri 9.00am - 6.00pm
Out of hours 24/7- Mobile 07500 3333 66
Email: info@sas-tscm.com