About Us - Countersurveillance Bug Sweeping Services - London, UK Wide
Our sweep services are provided 24 hours a day, offering reliable and secure solutions to home, business and vehicle security.

High Caliber of Bug Sweeping Equipment and Personnel
There are many companies and individuals offering bug sweeping or counter surveillance services in London or throughout the UK. Many of these companies are private investigation agencies who for the best part have purchased basic handheld or bench mounted equipment for a few thousand pounds designed to detect simple bugs purchased for a few pounds over the internet.
The Bugs
It is however easy to purchase bugs on the internet with built in detection resistance. Some example of these are frequency hopping bugs, remote control bugs, burst transmission bugs, high frequency (microwave 3 to 12+ GHz), timed activation bugs, voice activation bugs, GSM bugs, shrouded/ protected devices and several more varieties of bugging and eavesdropping devices designed to be resistant to detection.
These bugging devices are very unlikely to be found by basic equipment and will almost certainly be missed, and yet they are easily available to purchase in many internet stores and even several high street shops.
Investment to provide a bug sweep service
In order to provide a reliable countersurveillance service capable of detecting and locating all types of bugs and eavesdropping devices available on the market, it is necessary to invest tens or hundreds of thousands in the right equipment; this is why a dedicated TSCM Counter Surveillance company is necessary.
Secured Area Services has invested heavily in equipment and training, and we are confident that we have the equipment and experience required to identify and remove all possible threats at all levels.

Mission Statement
Secured Area Services provides advanced technical and analytical services for the the detection, location, and removal of all eavesdropping devices, tracking and surveillance devices, hidden or disguised video bugs, and the detection and removal of physical and electronic security risks.
We attend all premises discreetly in unmarked vehicles, and unmarked clothing. All security agents are fully trained with extensive experience and are supported with a high level of specialist detection equipment. We will attend any sweep requirement at any time, day or night without additional cost.
Our team of counter surveillance personnel will attend any requested location on time and with discretion and consideration to sensitive situations.
We will provide the full service agreed with accuracy and diligence and complete all counter surveillance tasks to the fullest extent possible.
We will be available to attend most requests with 24 hours and if an emergency request is made and agreed within 2 to 8 hours UK wide.
We will provide a very high level of service at a reasonable and affordable price, and offer further reductions for pre-booked and regular sweeps.
We will provide full security and counter surveillance sweep reports giving details of work undertaken, risks encountered and devices located.
Upon request we will provide risk assessment investigations to identify weaknesses in security, and to reduce the risk of corporate espionage.
Contact Us:
Contact Information
London Office - Nationwide Service:
Secured Area Services
17 Cavendish Square
London W1G 0PH
Phone:020 7138 3021
Mon - Fri 9.00am - 6.00pm
Out of hours 24/7- Mobile 07500 3333 66
Email: info@sas-tscm.com